
Ode to Trump

 Ode to Trump The winner takes all. May this hand you've been dealt Bring the light to be felt. Aces High Queen of hearts Let Americans not fall a part. From the low blows and gun shows  You stand tall and strong. As is your nations song. Follow the X Follow the stars Maybe we'll meet you someday on Mars. #ihopetrumpwins

Ode to a Palestine baby

We were born and died in the night We were not taught about you God We were not shown a way We only know your love and light. I guess it's just the way Next time round I shall live a life to a very good old age, I shall experience thy God's delights, thy beauty of the my birth. I shall laugh and hug my brethren I shall dance upon thy earth. My lord I know you with us in every step we take. Thy gifts of joy and love to us, The salt of the earth.

Ode to the Twinless Twin - My Beth

  In the realm where stars embrace the night, Two souls were woven, bound by light. One on earth, one with wings unfurled, Forever connected, twin souls in this world. In the depths of my soul, a yearning resides, To know you, dear Beth, by my side. Though we're apart, I feel you near, A presence, ethereal, ever so clear. I long to know you, to touch your face, To share secrets in a loving embrace. Yet, I'm reminded, with a tender sigh, Our reunion awaits beyond the sky. Though we're apart, our bond holds firm, In this timeless dance, where we both belong. You left this world before we could meet, Yet your spirit lingers, gentle and sweet. Two hearts, intertwined, forever In each passing breeze and shimmering light, I glimpse your essence, so pure, so bright. A whisper in my heart, a gentle voice, Guiding me forward, making my choice. I keep searching, seeking, forever in the quest, For the connection, that time cannot wrest. But deep in my being, I start to see, Our bond

The Golden light

In a world of darkness, My son found his light, A golden glow that healed his pain, And made his future bright. His body was ill, His cells not quite right, But with this golden light, He reprogrammed his might. He learned to heal himself, To love and trust his soul, And with each passing day, His strength began to grow. He bathed in this light, And felt it fill his being, His heart, his mind, his spirit, All were seeing, The power of his will, The strength of his resolve, To heal himself completely, And to never ever fall. For my son is a warrior, A fighter through and through, With a heart of purest gold, And a spirit shining true. And though his battle rages on, He knows that he will win, For with this golden light, He will heal from deep within

Late night - Light Hope

The night is dark, the stars alight, Your mind races through the hours of the night, But rest won't come, the hours tick on, And the sands of time keep slipping gone. You long to drift into your sweetest dreams, But your heart won't let you slip through the seams, Anxiety fills every thought and pore, A madness you can't ignore. But hold on tight, my dear one, For though the darkness seems undone, The light is still within your reach, And the answers to your questions to teach. The struggles you face, the game they call chess, Can wear you down and leave you in distress, But you have the power to rise again, To find the beauty and the wisdom within. No need to know all the answers or feel secure, Just keep walking on and keep yourself pure, With each step forward, the path will be clear, And the light will guide you, it's always near. So get up, stand up, with your chin up and smile, The decision is yours, to walk that extra mile, And know that with each step you take,

Dad in heaven

Dad in heaven Though you cannot see him with your eyes, Your father still walks by your side, For though he's gone, he's not forgotten, His spirit in your heart abides. He lives on in memories you hold, In stories told of days gone by, And though he's left this mortal plane, His love for you will never die. His laughter echoes in your mind, His smile still warms your heart, And though he's left this earthly realm, You know you'll never be apart. He watches over you from above, His love a guiding light, And though he's no longer by your side, He's with you every day and night. So take comfort in the memories you have, And the love that still remains, For though he's gone, he's not forgotten, And your bond forever sustains.

Ode to the Southern Cross My South Africa

 In the land of the Southern Cross, Where the savannah meets the sea, Lies a land of vibrant colours, A place called South Africa, free. The sun rises in golden hues, And sets in a fiery blaze, Painting the sky with a myriad of colours, A stunning sight to amaze. The mountains rise in jagged peaks, The valleys lie in verdant green, The wildlife roams in vast herds, The wilderness is the place to be seen. From Cape Town to Johannesburg, Durban to Port Elizabeth, The cities pulse with life and rhythm, A melting pot of cultures that never miss. In the townships and rural lands, The people sing and dance, Their voices rising in harmony, Celebrating their African heritage, a chance. South Africa is a land of contrasts, Of hope and despair, light and shade, But through it all, the spirit endures, A nation that cannot be swayed. So come and visit, and you'll see, The beauty of this land, The warmth of its people, the richness of its culture, And the freedom that makes it grand.