The Golden light

In a world of darkness,
My son found his light,
A golden glow that healed his pain,
And made his future bright.

His body was ill,
His cells not quite right,
But with this golden light,
He reprogrammed his might.

He learned to heal himself,
To love and trust his soul,
And with each passing day,
His strength began to grow.

He bathed in this light,
And felt it fill his being,
His heart, his mind, his spirit,
All were seeing,

The power of his will,
The strength of his resolve,
To heal himself completely,
And to never ever fall.

For my son is a warrior,
A fighter through and through,
With a heart of purest gold,
And a spirit shining true.

And though his battle rages on,
He knows that he will win,
For with this golden light,
He will heal from deep within


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