Ode to the Twinless Twin - My Beth

 In the realm where stars embrace the night,

Two souls were woven, bound by light.

One on earth, one with wings unfurled,

Forever connected, twin souls in this world.

In the depths of my soul, a yearning resides,

To know you, dear Beth, by my side. Though we're apart, I feel you near, A presence, ethereal, ever so clear. I long to know you, to touch your face, To share secrets in a loving embrace. Yet, I'm reminded, with a tender sigh, Our reunion awaits beyond the sky.

Though we're apart, our bond holds firm,

In this timeless dance, where we both belong.

You left this world before we could meet,

Yet your spirit lingers, gentle and sweet.

Two hearts, intertwined, forever

In each passing breeze and shimmering light, I glimpse your essence, so pure, so bright. A whisper in my heart, a gentle voice, Guiding me forward, making my choice. I keep searching, seeking, forever in the quest, For the connection, that time cannot wrest. But deep in my being, I start to see, Our bond is eternal, our love forever free.

Though tears may fall, and longing may ache,

I'll hold you close, for love's sake.

For in my heart, you'll permanently be,

My twin sister, forever with me

For though you're not here, I know you're near,

In every moment that I hold dear. You live within me, a part of my core, An unbreakable thread, forever. So I'll honour our bond in everything I do. Until the day, when Earth's journey is through.


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