
Showing posts from May, 2017

Ode to the Elephant...

And though you may be taken, used for our gain Your spirit will live on, never to wane. You bring us joy, and a connection to earth, A reminder that we too have a unique worth. So let us listen, and learn from your grace, For in this world, there's no greater space, Where love and kindness are always in bloom, It's where we find peace, in the heart of the room. And so we must cherish, protect and defend, These magnificent creatures, until the very end, For they are a part of the beauty of life, And the world would be darker, without their light.


Your grace and strength, oh magnificent one A symbol of power, under the scorching sun Your majestic presence, so full of life An inspiration to all, without any strife In a world where greed and hate run deep You still stand tall, your spirit won't sleep Through all the pain, you continue to strive With your gentle soul, you show us how to survive You teach us humility, and to love without fear To live each day, and make the most of what's here Your spirit will always be a guiding light In a world filled with darkness, you are the shining sight So let us protect you, with all that we can give For you are a treasure, and we have much to receive From your ancient wisdom, and your gentle grace You make the world a better place. <script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>