Ode to the off road bike rider from a spectator:

The courage, the strength, not to forget the thrill. Amazing to watch as you glide over the hill. How you hold on to something moving so fast. Wearing boots helmet and a funky mask The dust the cheer blood pumping through your veins There you go … absolutely insane… One thing is for sure, it’s something I won’t do. The crashes and broken bones, I’ll leave that up to you… But I will stand here and cheer as your bike rides on by Cheering your name, loud into the sky… Amazed and in awe of all that you do… Hats off to the bikes and the riders too. http://glendasangels.blogspot.com/ My Sister is Riding the Desert 1000. She has not done anything like this ever before, In between work, Kids and Life. She is Riding!!! Now a little history, I remember growing up in Tzaneen on our farm in Lestitele Valley. We both road our Bikes on Tamara Farm between the ages of 11 and 13 years old. Tammi way more then me. There is one ride which sticks out the m...